Leadership · Article
Introducing the Apra Content Development Committee
By Kristin Frankiewicz | December 21, 2023
Apra’s committees help drive the association’s mission and goals forward, and are comprised of dedicated volunteers who contribute their time, talents and efforts to various programs and initiatives.
Earlier this year, Apra created the Content Development Committee (CDC) to continue providing the membership and profession at large best-in-class content and learning opportunities. The role of the CDC is to plan, develop and deliver content that aligns with Apra’s strategic plan and supports its mission of serving professionals who strategically harness information and data to drive fundraising success for philanthropic institutions.
The CDC is the content creation hub for all of Apra’s content channels, including Connections, webinars via Apra University and Beyond Prospecting: The Apra Podcast. The CDC works in close partnership with other educational committees and implements content strategies recommended by the Education and Professional Development Committee (EPD).
Content from the CDC aligns to the domains in the Apra Body of Knowledge, critical to prospect development professionals, as well as innovative industry trends and issues. The committee also ensures that Apra’s content remains high quality, engages diverse perspectives and is responsive to member needs.
As the CDC starts its new committee year, the group welcomes suggestions from the Apra membership in regard to content that would be beneficial, contributor suggestions — self-nominated or otherwise — and more. Those interested can reach out to connections@aprahome.org to start a conversation.
Stay tuned for more from the CDC in the coming months, including Apra’s annual Best of Connections, a roundup of top-rated articles voted on by the committee, in early January.
Meet the 2023-2024 Apra Content Development Committee (CDC)
Jennifer Moody, Chair
Vice President, Research
Gobel Group
Elizabeth Goodman, Board Liaison
Director, Center for the Recovery and Identification of the Missing
University of Illinois at Chicago
Juliet Carpenter, Committee Member
Director of Prospect Development and Strategy
Planned Parenthood Federation of America
Nancy Crowley, Committee Member
Director of Prospect Research
Kids Alive International
Kelly Douglas, Committee Member
Associate Director, Prospect Analytics
California Institute of Technology
Rachel Du, Committee Member
Director of RPMA
Bon Secours Mercy Health
Tanya Ford, Committee Member
Executive Director, Advancement Operations
Indiana Wesleyan University
Jennifer Huebner, Committee Member
Director, Prospect Research
The Humane Society of the United States
Katelyn Martin, Committee Member
Managing Director
Campbell & Company
Jeffrey Walker, Committee Member
Senior Strategic Research Officer
Simmons University
Dawn Wyatt-Goyette, Committee Member
Associate Director of Prospect Development
Henry Ford Health
Apra Staff
Jillian Barr
Kristin Frankiewicz
Bethany Larrañaga
Lindsey Sullivan
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Kristin Frankiewicz
Managing Editor, Connections