Every March, Apra celebrates the vital contributions of prospect development professionals during Prospect Development Pride Month. But despite our professional community driving nonprofit successes, many organizations struggle to fund professional development. Learn how the Apra Foundation is working to bridge this gap — and how you can help support this mission.
As we approach Giving Tuesday, it’s the perfect time to reflect on the transformative power of generosity and community. For Apra, one important way that transformation happens is through the Apra Foundation. Foundation donors open access to educational opportunities that empower and inspire members of our community, helping them grow, thrive and make a lasting impact on their organizations’ missions.
March 2024 marks 10 years since the founding of International Research Pride Month, now known as Prospect Development (PD) Pride Month. As we look back on the advancement of our profession, learn how you can get in the PD Pride Month spirit and support our community.