Apra Foundation · Leadership · Article · Cause-Related
Celebrating 10 Years of Prospect Development Pride
By The Apra Foundation | March 08, 2024
In 2014, former Apra Board Member Helen Brown of The Helen Brown Group proclaimed March as International Research Pride Month. Since then, Apra has celebrated our vibrant community during this month every year by sharing expertise and stories through Connections articles, building fellowship on social media and, most recently, launching an annual fundraising campaign for the Apra Foundation to support the professional development of Apra members.
There is so much to celebrate as we look back on the advancement of our profession over the years. In particular, we take immense pride in how Apra has expanded to encompass not only the traditional research function (as the origins of our work), but also related domains like relationship management, data analytics, campaigns and leadership. In recognition of this transformation and in the spirit of inclusivity, Apra is taking this opportunity on the 10-year anniversary to launch Prospect Development Pride Month! You can follow along on social media with the hashtags #ApraMatch2024 and #PDPrideMonth.
To mark this milestone moment, we are hoping to repeat last year’s success in raising funds to support our community through the Apra Foundation. As key ambassadors and thought leaders, a generous group of Apra International board alumni has built a matching gifts pool to inspire our community’s support. Thanks to their philanthropy, all donations made to the Apra Foundation during March will be matched dollar-for-dollar, up to $2,500 total!
The Foundation provides professional development grants to help members experiencing financial limitations access the breadth of Apra’s educational offerings; since 2021, $7,400 has been granted to 37 individuals. When Helen Brown shared her insight on the value of Apra’s community, she captured the real spirit of the Foundation’s grants: “So many of us have had common workplace experiences and career trajectories, and I’ve noticed over the years that we as a community always pay it forward to help newer folks leapfrog over issues we had to build better professional careers and stronger systems. It’s one of the reasons I love it so much.” At its core, “Prospect Development Pride Month is about looking out for each other, raising each other up and raising our voices collectively to advocate for this dynamic, game-changing profession,” Brown says.
The Foundation also funds the Apra Awards, which celebrate and promote the accomplishments of our most prolific contributors. Considered in this context, donors to the Apra Foundation create a living legacy of supporting not only our colleagues' growth, but also our profession's advancement. Former Apra President Karen Isble of Kalamazoo College reflected: “Apra was a professional haven early in my career — when our work was often misunderstood (even maligned!) — and being a part of this community of mission-driven learners gave me pride and a desire to give back.”
Will you consider participating in the #ApraMatch2024 with a gift of your own? By leveraging this special match opportunity, your gift will have double the impact. Please click here to make your donation today!
“Apra and its members and volunteers provide us with the education, camaraderie, support and networking needed for lifelong success in our fundraising communities,” former Apra Board Member Tracey Church of Tracey Church & Associates says. We hope you’ll join us in celebrating Prospect Development Pride by giving generously in support of our community.

The Apra Foundation
The Apra Foundation was founded in 1998 to support educational opportunities and professional development for individuals engaged in advancement research and to serve as the charitable arm of Apra. The Foundation Board of Trustees is comprised of leaders in our industry who have served or currently serve on the Apra Board of Directors.